Login to yourself!

We now live in a world where ‘being connected’ is the thing. We always connect on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and hundreds other social media services. We are flooded with breaking news snippets and endless threads of tweets. We use text messages, likes, and comments to satisfy the constant urge to share every thought, every opinion instantly. Mostly unfiltered. Uncontemplated.
All of these connections are purely cerebral, not visceral at all. Slowly but surely we are losing the ability to tune into ourselves, to listen to our body, to hear our own wisdom because we clutter our minds with endless amounts of junk information. No wonder why self-help groups for information addiction and digital detox retreats are becoming more and more popular.
We forget who we really are, what we really want, what’s really good for us, and what we really stand for.
Our world becomes conceptually abstract, and we digitally preconceive experiences via reviews, comments, and opinions, before we make them. Who hasn’t been influenced by a restaurant review and formed an opinion about the food or a dish before actually tasting it.
And that’s just a harmless example; it becomes concerning when perfectly portrayed lifestyles and experiences on Instagram cause discontent, lack of self-worth, and feelings of being left out.
It seems like that we’ve created a society where comparing and competing with everyone and everything all the time has become the new norm. Missing is the awareness that by doing that we’re distancing us further and further from our true, authentic self.
What’s a stake here?
We’re about to lose some of the inherent qualities and skills that make us human and helped humanity to create this fantastic world of ours.
We’re about to lose the abilities:
- To hear our inner voice.
- To trust our gut and follow our intuition.
- To discern or disseminate what’s right or wrong.
- To connect with the wisdom of our heart.
- To have a strong and resilient mind that can handle life’s ups and downs.
- To listen to our body to live healthy and long.
- And many others that I will explore in my articles.
It feels like that we're giving up these abilities and entrusting our devices, Google, or Facebook to provide us with them.
I’m a digital business strategist and entrepreneur, and I have launched many websites, apps, and online business concepts. I believe that technology has improved our lives in many ways. At the same time, I also see its dangers. If we’re not aware of how and when we use it, it can create a manipulative dynamic of its own and change our minds and behaviors forever.
What can you expect from my writing?
The title of my blog ‘Login to yourself’ is an invitation to re-establish and cultivate a deeper connection to your authentic self. It’s also an attempt to become more aware and mindful of how our world is changing through technology and how we as humans are affected by it.
You can see my writing as a guide to nurture your build-in qualities of clarity, discernment, spontaneous intuition, courageous compassion, and wisdom. These qualities have always been with us, have never been lost, and will act as profound resources throughout your entire life.
I want to help shape a positive, powerful mindset of our generation.
- I won’t write and share something every day just for ’sharing’s sake’ to gain attention and followers.
- I won’t offer perfect solutions and the ’10-Steps to Solve all your Life’s Problems in 7 Days’.
- But I will share things that I’ve tried and that have worked for me.
Throughout my writing you will find certain words that I use and that I want to explain here for reference:
Courageous Heart
When I refer to the ‘Courageous Heart,’ I refer to the willingness to look deep inside ourselves. Hence the title of my blog ‘Log into Yourself!’. For most of us, it takes courage to sit quietly and focus our attention on all the things we feel in our heart, let alone become comfortable with them and accept them. I would go that far and say that the useless amount information we’re exposed to on a daily basis is forming a heavy, gooey layer that prevents us from gaining that valuable access. Establishing that connection to ourselves is a worthwhile undertaking that requires courage but promises us openness, fearlessness, and the resiliency to handle whatever life throws at us (if I want to be spiritual here I would say whatever your Karma surprises you with).
Machine Mind
Is a term that one of my Buddhist meditation teachers coined years ago. I understand Machine Mind as a mind that follows the mainstream propaganda. A mind that stops thinking for itself and is stuck in the rudimentary dualism of 'Like' and 'Dislike' or a couple more emojis that Facebook recently added. A mind that asks Alexa or Google before looking inside to search for answers within its own experiences. A Machine Mind has the attention span of a fidgeting monkey and gets panic attacks when the phone dies, or Wi-Fi goes out.
Crypto Mindset
I believe in the blockchain and all the positive changes that it might bring and the new business concepts that are built around it. On a fundamental level, I believe that it will empower the individual and has the potential to bring more freedom to all of us. No matter if it’s peer-to-peer transactions via cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin that will give people access to a global economy in rural areas or the blockchains’ ability to protect our privacy and give us back the power over our personal data and online behaviors.
The crypto space is driven by a lot of genuine people who want to change the world, do things differently, and shift the power back to the individual. But there’s also the other side, people, that are solely driven by greed and the potential to become rich and don't care much about the positive changes this might bring. This is always the case when something so groundbreaking is about to come into our world. With the Crypto Mindset, I refer to all the positive changes the blockchain technologies might bring and at the same time I want to raise the awareness to help discriminate between money-making schemes and world-changing business concepts.
I hope you enjoy my writing and find some inspiration here and there.
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(Image: The author logging into himself in 39 degrees F water somewhere in the California mountains)