Duality is Peaking

Dualistic thinking is at an all time high.
Everyone you talk to.
Everything you read.
Everything you buy.
Judged good or bad.
The best or the worst.
Black or white.
Win or loss.
For or against.
Extreme polarity is dominating our daily life!
From elections to climate change, from keto-diet to veganism, and from Apple to Android, the list is endless.
Aren't we all exhausted from having to take sides 1,000 times a day? Apprehended by feelings of desire, dislike, anger, and fear.
Wouldn't it be healthier to losen our grip of these intense polarities and to just observe without getting lost on either side?
What happened to the great middle way, the gradient between all colors of the spectrum? What happened to the idea of 'Both And'? Did it all get lost in the binary make-up of our daily life, of our society, where we're giving almost all of our attention to computers and machines controlled by algorithms and AI? Controlled by Zeros and Ones. Controlled by the Machine Mind?
What is the world showing us?
If we look at the world through a dualistic lense we see that our lives are dominated by achieving or avoiding:
- Pleasure and Pain
- Fame and Unimportance
- Praise and Blame
- Success and Failure
And with that comes immense affliction on all levels. The more extreme these pairs dominate us, the more we suffer. Even achieving the postive one ends in suffering since we recognize at some point that the biggest success and the highest fame is not lasting forever.
While computers don't have emotions, the same is not true for us and the goal for us as human beings is to transcended the experience of duality and understand that true happiness and fulfillment comes when we understand that all of this is part of the same totality and that there's beauty and wholeness beyond these extreme polarities and judgements.